The Green Factory

Our guided tours with a focus on sustainability

ID.3: Power consumption combined: 16.2-15.1 kWh/100 km; CO₂-emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO₂-class: A. Information on consumption, CO₂-emissions and CO₂-classes, shown in ranges, depends on the selected vehicle equipment.

Did you know? The Transparent Factory was the Volkswagen brand’s first CO2-neutral production facility, in terms of its carbon footprint. Our production processes have been using green energy for quite some time now, and our heat supply is also free of CO2. In the green outdoor areas, we nurture flora and fauna in the most natural way possible. Our special tour allows you to experience our sustainability concept for yourself. 

The Transparent Factory took numerous environmental and conservation aspects into account, implementing them already during the construction phase. And the facility is still leading the way today in putting environmental and conservation considerations into action. For example, it has relied exclusively on green energy for quite some time now. This climate- and resource-friendly focus is also evident in many other aspects of the factory. 
During our guided tour, we’ll take a first-hand look at features such as the factory’s unique heat regulation system, which is easy on resources. The system involves the use of the external stairwells as a climate buffer along with a double-walled external facade. Of course, the tour also includes a visit to the factory’s CO2-neutral ID.3 production area. 

The outdoor part of the tour includes nesting boxes, solar panels and our own beehives. You’ll receive answers to questions such as these: What kind of energy can guests use to charge their vehicles in our parking lot, one of Saxony’s largest charging parks? Why are there piles of different types of dead wood? Why do all of the nesting boxes face southeast? Do beekeepers have to continue tending the hives in the fall and winter? 

The various stations that we show you are intended to emphasize our aim of producing sustainable ID. vehicles in Dresden, in a way that is environmentally compatible. 

The guided tour of the indoor and outdoor facilities is conducted in small groups of up to 18 people. 

Our different tour options
  • Target group

    • Ages 7 to 13 
    • School classes, daycare groups, class outings, excursions 

    Duration: 70 minutes 

    Description of tour

    • 50 minutes indoors (Ever heard of an environmental footprint? Together we’ll explore the Transparent Factory, learning a lot about sustainability and about Volkswagen’s “Way to Zero.” We’ll also give you a questionnaire for determining your own environmental footprint.) 
    • 20 minutes outdoors (There’s so much to discover outside the factory: countless trees, nesting boxes and even bees. And, of course, our guide will also share some interesting facts about our charging park and solar panels. Questions are always welcome!) 
  • Target group

    • Ages 14 to 19 
    • School classes, trainees, excursions 

    Duration: 85 minutes 

    Description of tour 

    • 60 minutes indoors (Volkswagen on its “Way to Zero”: Together we’ll tour the Transparent Factory, with its emphasis on sustainability, CO2-neutral production and interesting facts about our raw materials. Each participant will receive a questionnaire that they can fill out in order to determine their own environmental footprint.) 
    • 25 minutes outdoors (Production in harmony with nature: The tour includes the charging park with solar panels, the MOBI point and the beehives.) 
  • Target group

    • Adults / individual visitors 
    • Interested groups (reservation required; separate group price) 

    Duration: 90 minutes 

    Description of tour 

    • Volkswagen on its “Way to Zero”: Together we’ll tour the Transparent Factory, with its emphasis on sustainability and CO2-neutral production. In both the indoor and outdoor parts of the tour, we’ll explain the factory’s holistic concept concerning the ID. ecosystem.  
  • Our group tours for children and youth – such as daycare groups, school classes and vocational schools – are focused on the topic of sustainability. During the tour, each participant also has the opportunity to determine their own carbon footprint. 

General information and conditions 
  • for groups only
  • up to 18 participants per group
Individual groups can be scheduled at any time upon request 
Group prices
Entrance fee including guided tour for up to 18 people 90 minutes
adult groups € 180
reduced* € 100

*Discounts apply to groups of pupils, students, trainees, people with disabilities, unemployed people, civilian / federal volunteers with valid ID. Admission is free for children under 7 years (does not apply to groups). 

Group request | Individual appointment

For individual appointment requests, group offers or offers in other languages, please contact us directly by phone 0351 - 420 4411.
You can reach us Monday and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (except public holidays) or send us a written enquiry with your contact details.

Booking request