Today the Gläserne Manufaktur stands for electromobility and digitalization, serving as a think tank for start-ups and a place to explore future approaches to mobility. To what extent do these new uses still fit the design?
Georg Pichler: The new uses do in fact fit in very well with the original concept. The interior was of course designed with the Phaeton in mind. The first big step now is to adapt the customer tower to the new visitors. The refined wall surfaces that were installed for the Phaeton product are being replaced with new, modern, and innovative materials. Basically, the entire project is being renewed to convey an even greater sense of openness. The existing relations and processes in and among the customer tower, assembly facilities, restaurant, and showroom continue to work well. There is no need for these to be rebuilt.
Martin Henn: Moreover, the aesthetics, technology, and transparency of the existing production facilities make them very conducive, perhaps even more so, to electromobility.