Phasing out the e-Golf: Volkswagen prepares to launch the ID.31 at the Transparent Factory in Dresden
Reichweitenrekord: ID.3 fährt mit nur einer Batterieladung von Zwickau in die Schweiz
Transformation continuing apace: Zwickau car factory to produce only electric models in future
Stress test for everyday suitability: company employees in Saxony begin testing fleet of 150 ID.3
Only at Volkswagen: visitors can help build the e-Golf* in the Transparent Factory in Dresden
Five start-ups make a virtual start to the next round
Volkswagen yesterday delivered the 100,000th e-Golf in the Gläserne Manufaktur Dresden.
Volkswagen continues to step up the pace of its electric offensive: The ID.31 will be assembled at the Gläserne Manufaktur in Dresden in addition to t
The Gläserne Manufaktur in Dresden is continuing to develop into the Volkswagen Group’s primary test location for trialling innovative technologies.